Feb 06, 2010 | Paul Cronin | 835 views
Bantam Girls meet Howick in playoffs
The Blyth Brussels Bantam girls showed Howick they meant business with a 5-0 win in their first provincial playoff game on Saturday.
The girls started their provincial playoffs against Howick on Saturday, February 5th. They knew going into the game that they needed to win to get their confidence up for the rest of the playoffs. In the first period they came out strong netting 3 goals. The first was scored by Nicole Middegaal and the other two were scored by Jordan Sholdice and Heidi Raynard. The second period was a quiet one with a few penalties thrown in, but in the third the girls came alive again to score two more, one by Sholdice and the other by Raynard. The final result was a 5-0 win for the team.
Good work girls, and we look forward to the rest of the playoffs and hope for good results.