Dec 13, 2007 | Belinda Marshall | 619 views
Atom L.L. now 7-1
Atom Local League gains another win.
On Dec.13 Elma Logan travelled to Blyth,
With 3 players missing this team was able to play Mackenzie Nesbitt, and Dustin Treble decided to try his luck playing out.
Scoring didn't start till the second period with Jimmy Lane traveling down the ice and scoring on the opposing team unassisted. Elam Logan then came back 18 seconds later to tie the game, Brenden Hallahan then got his stick on the puck and slide it past the goaltender with the assists going to Dylan Walton. Lane then again got control of the puck and dodged the other teams players to again put it into the net.
Going into the third period Mackenzie Nesbitt slid one past the goaltender with the assists going to Walton and Brandon Marshall. The last goal was scored by Lane with no assists. Great goaltending played by Dalton Carey.