U8 Jamboree Guidelines (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

PrintU8 Jamboree Guidelines

Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey is gearing up for this year’s U8 Jamboree being held on February 8, 2025 at the Blyth Arena.

The guidelines for hosting a “Jamboree” for initiation aged players has a focus oriented on fun. BBMHA is focused on making minor hockey a positive experience for all involved from players, coaches, parents and fans. This is NOT a tournament; it is for FUN!

Jamboree Games will be modified half-ice format with the nets set up as per OMHA guidelines in “Jamboree Policy 2022-2023”. The lightweight blue puck will be used (supplied by BBMHA). Face-offs will start each game. It will be a 5 versus 5 format (including the goalie), unless both teams agree to an alternate number of skaters prior to game start. We have on ice helpers going on ice, no bench staff is required for this role. We ask you to treat them with respect as you would at any sporting event. No scoring or standings will be recorded; no penalties or offsides will be called. BBMHA will supply an alternate set of jersey’s in the event of two similar coloured teams playing.

Shift length is set on a 2-minute buzzer; games are set at 44 minutes. If your team plays before/after the flood we would appreciate bench staff to support moving the boards for ice resurfacing (please wear a helmet). 

*The last game of the day will be shortened by 6 minutes in order to hand out medals to all players.