Sep 10, 2023 | website | 706 views
Upcoming D1 Coaching Clinics-FILLING UP FAST
If you are interested in a Head Coach role or an Assistant Coach for U11 to U21 rep or LL, and you don't have a Development 1 coaches certification
There are 3 courses in the WOAA area coming up.
Saturday September 23/2023
In Clinton at the arena
Sunday September 24/2023
In Mt. Forest at the arena
Sunday October 1/2023
In Port Elgin at the plex arena
Please if you are at the U9, U11, U13,U15 and are interested in helping coach in the future years we strongly recommend that you register for one of these dates.
U7,U8,U9 require a Coach 1- intro to coach course.
BBMHA will reimburse you for all cost of prerequisite courses and D1 course.
Prerequisite courses are:
HU* online checking course
Make Ethical Decisions training is live online session via Zoom
Sept. 21/2023 for Clinton and Mt. Forest
Sept. 28/2023 for Port Elgin
To register for courses visit OMHA website:
Team officials drop down
Coaches drop down
Education drop down
Coaches clinics listings
HU online checking listed
Make Ethical Decisions training courses listed
Development 1 courses listed
Follow through and Register there and pay for it.
Then visit BBMHA website and fill out the reimbursement form and give to one of these executives.
Sarah Bolinger
Andrew McCutcheon
Brett Fischer
Any questions email :
Thank you,
BBMHA executive