U6 Jamboree-Brussels Arena and U7 Jamboree-Blyth Arena, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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Feb 07, 2023 | website | 420 views
U6 Jamboree-Brussels Arena and U7 Jamboree-Blyth Arena
February 11, 2023 at 8:00 a.m.

Our association would like to thank you for planning to share the day with us! We value what minor hockey has to offer our youth; building friendships, confidence, and skills while engaging in FUN at the rink! This is not a tournament.  It is strictly for the fun of playing hockey and promoting good sportsmanship among the players; therefore no scores will be kept.  We look forward to a fun day!

The U6 schedule to be held at the Brussels arena, can be found here:
U6 Jamboree Schedule

The U7 schedule to be held at the Blyth arena, can be found here:
U7 Jamboree Schedule