Urgent Vaccination Policies, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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Sep 14, 2021 | website | 538 views
Urgent Vaccination Policies
Hello Members
As many of you may know there are new rules in regards to vaccination for the 2021-2022 hockey season.  The intent of this message is to outline the OMHA, provincial and local health unit guidelines as mandated.

These are the policies that we are aware of at this point however they may need to be amended as the government regulations change and evolve.   

  • Anyone participating in minor hockey that is eligible for a vaccine (for players - any player born in 2009 or earlier) must provide proof of full vaccination (two doses plus 14 days) as of October 31, 2021 in order to play hockey.  This includes all coaches, bench staff, volunteers etc.  OMHA’s vaccine policy is attached. https://e-registration.omha.net/OMHAPortal/Download/OMHAVACCINATIONPOLICY(V2).pdf

  • According to the local municipal guidelines anyone 18 years or older are also required to provide full proof of full vaccination (two doses plus 14 days) to enter the local arena’s as of September 22, 2021.


If you wish to withdraw your player for the season as a result of the abovementioned protocols please select the following link to fill out the COVID19-Registration Refund prior to September 17, 2021.  




Please only respond if you are withdrawing your child from hockey.  

Please note fundraising tickets must be returned prior to refund being issued.


Be safe and stay healthy

