Hello Members:
Before you hit the ice, please review and complete the necessary links. Mandatory Parent/Guardian Meeting will be held for every team, 30 minutes before your first ice time. The meeting will be held outside the arena near the entrance. Look for your coach or a member of the Executive.
Please review Blyth and Brussels Arena's Policies: COVID-19 Info
Some points to note:
1 Parent/Guardian per participant will be permitted in each facility only (excluding game active bench staff and executive).
Physical Distancing - 6 feet apart
Mask/Face coverings at all times except when on ice
Limited access to washrooms, no showers.
Contact Tracing (done by each user group/renter including temperature taking - for both participant and parent/guardian).
Dressing Rooms available; no showers
Limited access to spectator stands - only parent/guardian that came with participant.
Users are permitted into the facility no sooner than 15 minutes before scheduled ice time and must depart within 15 minutes of completion of rental. It is the renter's responsibility to ensure that all of their participants have departed the dressing rooms and the building within 15 minutes of getting off the ice.
Players are responsible for bringing their own labeled and filled water bottles.
Please complete Rowan's Law
Every year players and bench staff must complete the following online form: Rowan's Law
Respect in Sports (First Time Registrants Only) select the following link: Respect in Sports
OHF Equipment in Car Seats Review - Click Here