Mar 20, 2019 | website | 934 views
Spring Skate
Spring Skate Times:
March 20th, in Brussels
5:30-6:30. Novice
6:30-7:30. Atom
7:30-8:30. Peewee
8:30-9:30. Bantam
9:30-10:30. Midget
March 27th, in Brussels
5:30-6:30. Novice
6:30-7:30. Atom
7:30-8:30. Peewee
8:30-9:30. Bantam
9:30-10:30. Midget
* Players must be Pre-Registered online before they can attend.
* $20 fee for both spring skates paid at door on March 20th skate
* For novice division we would like to evaluate both 2011 and 2012 aged players at spring skates. After the evaluation process is complete in the fall we can position them in the division that best suits their skill development.
Thank You
BBMHA executive