Spring Skate and Banquet Dates, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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Feb 25, 2015 | Suzanne Dale | 1596 views
Spring Skate and Banquet Dates
The dates and times for our spring evaluations are listed within the registration package, please contact Diane Howson if you did not receive next year's registration package.  This year BBMHA will be offering registration payments via Debit/Credit. An addition service fee will be applied for this payment option.

BBMHA yearend banquet will be held in Brussels on April 20, 2015.  To help offset the cost of the banquet each team's Parent Rep will be collecting $5 per person or $20 per family. 
During the banquet this year, we have invited a special guest speaker, Dr. Coghlin presenting an information session on Concussion Care and Management.    www.DynamicHealthRehab.ca

Coach's Applications can also be submitted as the deadline is May 31, 2015.
