London Knight Practice A Huge Success, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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Nov 09, 2011 | jvanvliet | 1767 views
London Knight Practice A Huge Success
The London Knights visit to Blyth was a very successful event.There was a big audience in the stands to watch the Knights practice. It was very fast and the highly skilled players made it look very easy. Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey wishes to thank The London Knight Organization for bringing the team to Blyth. They have put together a manual for the coaches to use and gave us enough copies for every team. The players took time to sign Autographs for everyone and a few people even got the coaches! They have had a great start to their season and we wish them the best for the remainder of the season and the playoffs.

We would also like to thank all the sponsors who donated food, beverages or any other items.
To all the people and players and teams who donated items to the silent auction,ThankYou!
It was great to have our local media there covering the event and a special thankyou to Steve Sabourin for your commentary.
Thanks to the staff at the Blyth arena for all your help.
We would also like to acknowledge all the members and executive who helped with setup, cleanup, cooking ,auction items and photography.
Most of all we would like to thank Brent Scrimgeour. Brent approached me at the motocross about doing something for the kids and our new organization to bring everyone together. He asked if we would support him if he could get something going. Well he got it going!!!
He called Terry Uniac to see if we could get together on a game and practice. Within days we received a call from the sales department. Brent took hold of this and sold 463 tickets in less than 2 weeks. Everyone I talked to enjoyed the game in London.
Brent then went to work with Natasha from the Marketing department to make this practice a reality. Brent made all the arrangements and got all the sponsors together. From all the smiling faces it must have been a success!!!
Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey really appreciates your efforts Brent, Well Done!
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