Approval Awarded, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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May 17, 2011 | Betty Popp | 1573 views
Approval Awarded
In 2009 the Blyth and Brussels Minor Hockey executives began the process of working toward amalgamation. Through the meetings to prepare, the presentation to the membership and the amalgamation vote, the support and guidance of Ben Craig (OMHA) and Dave Garinger (WOAA) have been greatly appreciated.

Our goal has been achieved; the approval from the OMHA and WOAA has been received.  Congratulations to both executives for your dedication and a job well done.

The first order of business of the new executive is to thank the membership for their support during the stages of amalgamation.

The second order of business is to start the merging of the websites.  Visit this site regularly for updates.

The third order of business was to go forward with registration.  The dates for registration will be Monday, June 6th from 7-9 in Brussels, Tuesday, June 7th from 7-9 in Blyth and Saturday, June 11 from 10-12 in Blyth.  Please be prepared by finding all details for registration on the website shortly.

As each centre has suspended their previous executive, the newly amalgamated executive will continue to prepare the Bylaws and Rules of Operation for the special meeting of the membership, for their approval, being held in July. 

Your new executive is:

  • President -John van Vliet 
  • Vice President - Paul Coultes
  • Treasurer - Sandra Hunt                                          
  • Secretary - Betty Popp
  • Director - Rob Gordon
  • Equipment Director - Steve Howson
  • Fundraising - Kerry Nesbitt
  • Ice Coordinator - Brian Ten Pas
  • Referee In Chief - Ron Stevenson 
  • Registration Director - Diane Howson
  • Risk Management - Jennifer McDonald
  • Technical Director - Paul Sebastian                            
  • Town Contact - Jodie Kerr
  • Town Contact for Women’s - Ron Strome                    

This newly formed executive is anticipating an exciting season, when we hit the ice in October as the newly amalgamated Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey Association.
