Annual General Meeting, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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May 18, 2010 | kreid | 1134 views
Annual General Meeting
Plan to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Blyth Minor Hockey Association.  This meeting will be held Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 7:00 PM at the Lion's Park in Blyth.

Nomination and election of open positions on the Executive will take place at this time.  Executive positions available for nomination are:

  • Ice Coordinator/Scheduler
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Town Contact
  • Technical

If you, or someone you know, may be interested in any of the above positions please contact Steve Howson, President or a member of the current Executive.

If you would like to be involved with your minor hockey organization, or learn about what is happening, this is the time to do so.