2008-2009 Registration, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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Apr 09, 2008 | kreid | 1293 views
2008-2009 Registration
Attention all Parents and Players:  Blyth Minor Hockey Assoc. will be holding registration for the 2008-2009 season on Wednesday, June 11th from 7-9 pm and Saturday, June 14 from 9-noon at the Blyth & District Community Centre.  This is not an early registration - it is the only registration. 

In order to organize teams, coaching staff and ice schedules, it is essential to know player numbers.  If you are unable to attend these registration dates, please contact Director of Registration, Kim Reid, by email or phone 519-523-9097.  Late registration fees will be applied after June 30th. 
If your child has never played hockey, or is new player with Blyth Minor Hockey, a copy of the birth certificate is required to register.

2008-2009 Registration Form

Coaching applications for the 2008-2009 season will be accepted at registration.