Where, Oh Where, Is That Arena?, News (Blyth Brussels Minor Hockey)

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Nov 07, 2007 | Shaun Peet | 1296 views
Where, Oh Where, Is That Arena?
One of the better kept secrets of this website is its built-in arena locating features.  Each venue that is added to the site by the scheduler can have its physical address added as well.  If this information has been submitted, the website will automatically create a link to Google Maps, placing a "pushpin" on the location of the arena.

Google Maps will then allow you to enter a starting location, which can be as specific as you want it to be (even right from your front door!), and it will automatically create driving directions for you.  You can then customize that route by clicking and dragging the route to make stops at various locations, and Google Maps will automatically re-calculate the optimal driving directions.  So if you need to pick up other players along the way, you can adjust your driving route accordingly.

So where is this wonderful feature?  Each time a venue is listed - either in the "Next Five Days" area, the "Upcoming Games", the "Schedule & Results", the "Organization Calendar", or the "Team Calendar", the name of the venue will appear as a link to the Venue Calendar page.  On the Venue Calendar page there will be a box in the top-right hand corner that lists the address of the arena, if entered, and shows a Google Map image.  Clicking on that image will open a new window with the arena's location shown on a Google Map.

Please keep in mind that this only works if the arena's address has been correctly input to the website by the scheduler.  If you find a venue that doesn't have an address, or the address isn't recognized by Google Maps, please use the "Questions / Comments About This Page" link located in the bottom-right of the page to let your webmaster know.