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Our site contains up-to-date information including ice shedules, game scores and player rosters for the Blyth Bulldogs, Blyth Ice Dogs and Blyth Minor Hockey Association, and can include your company logo (with redirection to your site) too!
To be a sponsor of Blyth Minor Hockey and have your company advertised on our website, please contact
Blyth Minor Hockey Association.
Your company advertisement will appear in the Organization Sponsors area of our site (located on the right hand navigation bar below Team Sites), and will rotate every five seconds. Sponsors can choose to advertise on the front page (organization sponsor), on a specific team page (team sponsor), or both. Website sponsorships are $100 per year, per section, ie. corporate or team, or $175.00 to advertise in both areas.
For further details, or to set up a sponsorship, please contact
Blyth Minor Hockey Association.